Sampling of Partagás Linea Origen
Cigar enthusiasts gathered at Cigars Unlimited for an unforgettable sampling event, celebrating the latest release from Habanos S.A.—the prestigious Partagás Línea Maestra. Known for crafting some of the world’s finest cigars, Habanos S.A. has once again raised the bar, introducing a new ultra-premium line that represents the pinnacle of refinement for the historic Partagás brand.
The atmosphere was buzzing as aficionados took their first draw of this luxurious cigar, marvelling at its exclusive tobacco blend from the revered San Luís region in Pinar del Río, Cuba. The Línea Maestra series represents a significant milestone for Partagás, placing it in esteemed company with Cohiba’s iconic Behike and Romeo y Julieta’s Línea de Oro. Each of the three sizes in the Línea Maestra line was available for tasting, allowing us to experience firsthand the artistry behind these cigars.
Our tasting began with the Origen (6 1/8 inches by 46 ring gauge), a beautifully crafted cigar that offered a balanced and complex flavour profile. The smaller ring gauge allowed the San Luís tobacco to truly shine, delivering nuanced notes that left an impression with each puff.
Next, we sampled the Rito (6 5/8 inches by 52 ring gauge), whose larger size and fuller body brought forward rich, layered flavours. With a perfect draw and an even burn, the Rito allowed us tosavourr the craftsmanship that defines the Línea Maestra series.
Finally, we indulged in the Maestro (5 1/4 inches by 56 ring gauge), the boldest of the three with its robust, rounded flavour. The signature 109-style belicoso head provided a unique smoking experience, capturing the true essence of Partagás in each moment.
The evening was a fantastic celebration of fine cigars, and the feedback from the community was overwhelmingly positive. It’s clear that the Partagás Línea Maestra has set a new standard for ultra-premium cigars, and this event was the perfect way to welcome it into our collections. Cigars Unlimited once again delivered an exceptional evening for cigar enthusiasts, and we look forward to more exclusive tastings in the future!