E P Carrillo Cigars have always been about innovative and ground breaking ideas. Today, our cigar lines each have a unique and distinct set of characteristics that define each Series – and the type of experience the cigars embody. The Series themselves are each based on a greater concept which reflect an aspect of the family’s cigar-making heritage and the authentic pride with which each cigar is made.
E P Carrillo ‘Encore’ Serie cigars are the only blend in the popular Family Series made with 100% aged Nicaraguan tobaccos. The cigars are also noted for using a unique fermentation process where the filler tobaccos are aged in “tercios”, where palm tree bark is wrapped around the tobacco to create tight bales. This process allows a natural two-way humidification system that brings out the utmost in flavours and aromas from these deeply fermented leaves. This medium body gem provides copious amounts of sweet smelling smoke and mouth watering nuances of rich earth and a distinct tobacco sweetness, accented with hints of cocoa powder and spice.
The Perez-Carrillo Encore is suitably named, because this is a smoke you’ll come back to time and time again!