CUSANO by Davidoff with new blends 'Dominican Connecticut' and 'Nicaragua Estelí'.
London, England, 19, July 2017. In 2009, Oettenger Davidoff acquired Cusano Cigars, a company owned by Mike and Joe Chiusano. This acquisition gave Davidoff a brand focused around value-based cigars. In 2016 the company announced its most significant release since that acquisition with the launch of the Cusano Dominican line and Cusano Nicaragua Estelí. Cusano Dominican Connecticut The Cusano Dominican Connecticut cigar features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and binder, as well as a blend of Dominican long filler tobacco. The Cusano Dominican also introduces a new packaging design to the Cusano brand. BlendWrapper: Ecuadorian ConnecticutBinder: Ecuadorian ConnecticutFiller: DominicanCountry of Origin: Dominican Republic Vitolas AvailableThe Cusano Dominican Connecticut is packaged in 16 count boxesRobusto: 5 x 50Corona: 5 x 43Churchill: 7 x 48 Cusano Nicaragua Estelí Add Cusano to the list of Davidoff brands going “Nicaraguan”. Today Davidoff announced its third blend in its recently revamped Cusano line with the new Cusano Nicaragua Esteli. Cusano Nicaragua Esteli joins Davidoff Nicaragua, Avo Syncro Nicaragua, and The Griffin's Nicaraguas brands that have introduced the “Nicaragua” moniker for new lines within the Davidoff portfolio.In a press release announcing Cusano Nicaragua, Charles Awad Vice President of Global Marketing and Innovation commented, “We continue to look for ways to broaden our portfolio to meet key aficionado taste preferences and be the indispensable business partner to retailers worldwide. The new Nicaragua Esteli range will spice up the Cusano offering by bringing a stronger, fuller bodied multi-origin blend made of tobaccos from Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic to our Cusano brand.”The Cusano Nicaragua Esteli is available in three sizes.At a glance, here is a look at the Cusano Nicaragua Esteli: Blend Wrapper: Negro San Andres from MexicoBinder: Connecticut EcuadorFiller: Nicaraguan, DominicanCountry of Origin: Dominican Republic Vitolas AvailableRobusto: 5 x 50Corona: 5 x 43Churchill: 7 x 48